The movie, Chalk, that we've been watching in our Monday night classes has been quite entertaining, to say the least. I believe that all of these teachers, individually, are horrible teachers, but if you combine their traits, you could end up with a great teacher.
It's important to have a fun teacher who is interested in getting to know you as a person, but when that becom
es their primary goal in class rather than teaching the curriculum, there's a problem. It's also important to have a teacher that isn't afraid to need to use discipline in a classroom situation, but too much of that can be disastrous.

The gym teacher seems to be the only character in this movie that is a "good teacher." She seems to be able to teach the proper things in class while also maintaining a fun environment. However, as discussed with her colleague, she can be rather pushy at times. Other than that, I think that she's a great teacher. There was one moment when she caught a student that was late to class and the teacher of the class didn't do anything about it. When the gym teacher confronted this faculty member, she said that they all needed to agree on the rules and enforce them because all of the teachers were working as a team. Although, yes, she came off as very pushy when telling this other teacher what to do, I do agree with her statement; teachers are a team and they should agree on a set of rules that should be enforced.
Amy Streck
I have the same picture on my blog! I agree with what you said about the P.E. teacher, I found her to be the most sane of all the teachers. I also agree that although she came across as pushy, she was just trying to enforce rules which can be very difficult for some schools where teachers have different opinions on how to discipline so the teachers are inconsistent. Good blog!
At first I really didn't enjoy this movie. It was just so over the top that I couldn't deal with it. I thought how in the world will I handle teaching if I have to teach with people like that! But then I realized how funny the movie was, and just decided to laugh at all the stupid mistakes. Im not sure I agree with the PE teacher being the most sane but Im not really sure who else in that school could fit?! Maybe none of them should have been teaching!
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